Shogunate Macabre

2024-09-20 15:29

Whispered Hold the Sword歌词

Behold the signs of the never-ending war the furious screams of the gods As the nightfall sets to the distance the blood f the warriors lights the sky This moment is ready to be ruined, by those who dishonor the blade As he looks into their eyes he s

Whispered Upon My Honor歌词

Prominent I stand as I lead my men to war Wich banners held high " we'll waste 'em all" I swore I seek within myself, find no fear as we march God of eight banners by our side, the soil beneath our feet will parch Ahead! I scream as we draw our

Whispered Jikininki歌词

They rose from the night ; shouldn't ever been born Ghouls from the lives that ended so torn Cursed for the decayed souls they once had Dishonored warriors no eyes can be laid.. Upon these times of fear and hate The shadows twisted form on the walls

Whispered Fallen Amaterasu歌词

Left to rot by our actions unspoken Her flesh consumed by times of ignorance No-one gave her glory for the light she brought upon us Our fates sealed by her hatred burning forever Flames upon myself for I didn't bow for her brightness No food grows i

Whispered Unrestrained歌词

A haze of doubt surrounds my thoughts as I hide from my fate, for I'm not ready to die I've given my heart and my soul for my sword, but the path seems obscured was the vow I've given for my life absolute lie Shameful create a void tearing me down I