
2024-09-20 10:29

Mortemia The Eye of the Storm歌词

3. The Eye of the Storm 05:10 Hide lyrics 风暴之眼 In days and in nights 在白天,在黑夜 In darkness and light 黑暗中,光里面 I stand by your side 我站在你身边 When summer declines 当夏日离去 And winter arrives 冬日到来 I'll still stand my ground 我仍站在我的周围 I stand by your side With my

Mortemia The Chains That Wield My Mind歌词

6. The Chains That Wield My Mind 04:29 Hide lyrics 那些似链物(线索,点)控制了我的思维 My inner demons got me chained to the ground 我内心中的魔鬼(我)用铁链将我束缚 I search in vain but there's no key to be found 我努力的搜寻这钥匙,可这都是徒劳的 Drag me down, keep me down to the ground you scornf

Mortemia The New Desire歌词

7. The New Desire 03:50 Hide lyrics 新的期望 This condemnation revages all the sanity in me (对自己的)谴责(自我的否认)将我的理智摧毁 This flagellation you all brought upon me 你将鞭挞似的悔过强加于我 You come with fire, with stakes and your torches burning 你来自火,来自赌注,你的火把正燃烧着 A new de

Mortemia The Wheel of Fire歌词

5. The Wheel of Fire 04:09 Hide lyrics (轮转之火)痛苦的轮回 The wheel of fire burns eternally 燃烧的轮转之火永不停息 In my sanctum, my land of dreams 在我的圣所,我的梦想之地 The flames grow higher with every dream 火焰因我的梦想越发的高长 Way more horrid with every tear 这样会造成一次又一次的伤害,令人恐惧的撕裂之

Mortemia The Candle at the Tunnel’s End歌词

9. The Candle at the Tunnel's End 04:00 Hide lyrics 隧道末尾的烛光 The daylight has forsaken me 白昼已经把我遗弃 And darkness keeps on breaking me down 黑暗还在继续的在压制我 All these years of agony 这些年我十分的痛苦 Eventually got to my mind Feelings of despair prevail 无望已将我压倒 最终占据

Mortemia The One I Once Was歌词

I cover my weary eyes Can't face no more of this life All I lived for is now gone I've suffered along for far too long I summon the strength in me I call upon who I used to be I summon the strength inside But it does no longer abide I call in vain up

Mortemia The Malice of Life's Cruel Ways歌词

4. The Malice of Life's Cruel Ways 05:02 Hide lyrics 恶意安排的残酷人生 I see you stand in the rain of a darkened day 灰色的雨天,我见你站在其中 And denial won't ease your pain 否认这一切并不能减轻痛苦 I see you falter through doors you've passed through before 我见你踉跄过门,你曾经过的门 As your