
2024-09-20 12:12

Theatre of Tragedy Siren歌词

译BY莫须有 Haste not thine wisdom, for the hollow is ta'en - 匆匆而去并非你明智的选择,因吾之空虚已然释怀- By whom, know I not; 'lack! am I of twain - 由谁而来,我不知晓:我可曾因另一半的缺席而失落- And as a crux - cede I my words - 我舍弃我的言语,以逃避你的谜语- Fro my heart wilt thou ne'er 在我内心你永不凋敝 Have I bee

Theatre of Tragedy Venus歌词

Theatre Of Tragedy Venus Circa mea pectora multa sunt suspiria De tua pulchritudine, que me ledunt misere. Venus I trowd thou wast my friend Professed to Heaven thou wouldst send. As a disciple of a villain Didst thou act the tragedienne. Iam amore v

Theatre of Tragedy Poppaea歌词

Dream of a funeral, blest temptress - behest me! - A funeral thou'lt hark, swarth murderess - the Devil, Thine feral grith with me, Poppaea, be Hell's hap: Waylaid the beldame bawd, the niggard: Laughing tragedy. And the wench doth bawdness to blow,

Theatre of Tragedy Cassandra歌词

Cassandra 卡珊德拉 (卡珊德拉,伊利昂公主,普里阿摩斯与赫卡帕之女,特洛伊英雄赫克托尔与帕里斯之妹.特洛伊屠城之后被阿伽门农俘获. 卡珊德拉曾是阿波罗的祭师,阿波罗神仰慕她的美貌向她求婚,她要求阿波罗赋予她洞悉未来的能力,获得能力之后又决然反悔.阿波罗祈求能获得卡珊德拉最后一个吻,在亲吻时降下诅咒,使她的话永远不被人相信. 之后卡珊德拉能够预言未来,却不被人们接受.她曾和拉奥孔预言到木马计,预见到特洛伊毁灭,自己的家庭被灭族,她的忠告却只被人们嘲笑,只能无能为力的看着这一切变为现实.)

Theatre of Tragedy Aoede歌词

Aoede Parch'd of words, parch'd of lauds, Lorn and tyned fro my wame - 'Seech I more perforce indeed: Lap I of thee: Thou art want. With dulcet gust thine floret, Which I yet would not do - Pray I thee for thine avail - Lave me in it; I want more! Fo

Theatre of Tragedy Lorelei歌词

Lorelei - Theatre of Tragedy (北欧神话中的莱茵三仙女,歌声曼妙,喜爱戏弄与溺死年轻的英雄,将尸体收藏于河底.出自<沃松格>,仙女为莱茵黄金的守护者,莱茵黄金后被阿尔伯里希盗走,铸成尼伯龙根指环,于是莱茵女神在指环上下咒,获得指环之人能成为伟大的英雄,却会被自己最爱的人杀死.后来指环传到北欧民族英雄齐格弗里德手中,齐格弗里德因误会被自己的妻子,女武神布伦希尔德设计刺杀,指环再度沉没于莱茵河底.) Ferie dearest, was it loe soothfast